Where is the Lawn Bowling Club located?

Mount Dora Lawn Bowling Club is located at 125 N Edgerton Ct. (at the foot of Donnelly Street) Mount Dora, FL 32757

How long has the Club been there?

On April 7, 1928, 20 potential lawn bowlers organized as the Mount Dora Lawn Bowling Club elected Willard Bryant as president and Fred Thompson as vice-president. The new rinks were dedicated on April 13, 1928

How many members do you have?

Mount Dora Lawn Bowling Club currently has 200 plus members, and is considered to be the largest organized social outlet in Mount Dora and we are one of the largest lawn bowling clubs in the USA. We are proud to be a BowlsUSA member club and part of the Southeast Division.

What is lawn bowling and is it different than bocce bowling?

Lawn bowls are large, hard resin balls with a bias to them, so that they travel along a curved path, rather than going straight. The object of the game is to roll your bowls closer to the target than your opponents. Bocce is similar in that they have a target ball, but Bocce balls are completely round and are “tossed” underhanded rather than “bowled” to the target.

Can I try lawn bowling to see what it is like?

Absolutely, we often have open houses for people to come try out bowling and see the facilities. You can also come down to the club (usually Mon-Sat 8:30am to 11:00am) and just ask any member. If you would like to continue, we offer a free one week training session after which you choose to join or not.

What does it cost?

A full membership costs $354.00 annually. We also offer Social and Associate memberships that do not include lawn bowling but access to the social activities.

When is lawn bowling?

Lawn bowling is scheduled Monday - Saturday at 9:00am, Monday - Friday at 10am, and evenings when scheduled. We also have numerous tournaments available to join as well.

Do I have to have any special equipment?

You will need to have a set of bowls and a measure, and will need to have flat soled shoes. New bowls can cost up to $500 but we also have used bowls available from $40. During the training we will provide bowls for you to use at no costs. We have BowlsUSA certified coaches to help take your bowling to whatever level you wish to pursue.

What other activities do you have?

There are eight regularly scheduled social events throughout the year (over and above the occasional hot dog Saturdays). These include Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Founders Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Homecoming and Christmas. These are large events featuring either a luncheon or dinner and some may be preceded or followed by bowling.

We also have weekly Mah Jong, Euchre, Pinochle, Bunco and other games. We also have Yoga when leaders are available